FUSIC® is a practical solution to training in focused lung ultrasound for adult intensive care.
Getting Started
- Register by adding FUSIC® Lung to your basket
- Identify an approved FUSIC® Lung Trainer within your unit to oversee your accreditation. If you cannot find a local Trainer please contact our Learning Team on learning@ics.ac.uk who can help you find one
- Complete the online training on our Learning Portal or attend an approved face-to-face course.
- Perform the appropriate supervised and unsupervised scans, and document these in your logbook
- Have your logbook assessed by your Trainer who confirms that you have the necessary competencies
- Pass a triggered assessment with your Trainer
- Submit your assessment documents, including the Summary of Training record, via the Learning Portal.
Accreditation (first to last component) must be completed within 24 months. Logbook collection (first to last scan) must be completed within 12 months.
Criteria for registering for FUSIC® Lung accreditation are as follows:
- Any healthcare professional from the multi-professional team
- Any grade
- Any speciality
Once registered, we will send you all the documentation you need to start your accredition jouney.
For all enquiries regarding FUSIC®, please contact learning@ics.ac.uk.