Grants and Awards

State of the Art Congress: Abstracts and ePosters

Each year the Society offers investigators and clinicians the opportunity to present their work in either a poster or oral format at our State of the Art Congress. Successful work in all categories will be published as a Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS) abstract (PubMed-listed) and reviewed by the Editorial Board. There is a significant conversion rate to full article publication in JICS.

How to Apply

For alll SOA25 submission options click below.


For the guidance on how to apply to the SOA 2025 Rising Star Award click below.

Click here to find out more about the SOA 2025 Rising Star Award

The Intensive Care Society Road to Research Award

The Intensive Care Society Road to Research Award offers up to £5,000 for each recipient. The purpose of this award is to provide support and opportunities for ICU clinicians (from all professional backgrounds) who are new to research, enabling them to undertake a small research project or service evaluation under the guidance of a research mentor.

The Road to Research Grant (R2R) is primarily aimed at encouraging UK critical care staff across all roles and disciplines to engage in research.
Applications have now closed, and successful applicants were announced in November 2024.

The Society is delighted to award the first ICS Road to Research Awards to the following individuals:

  • Nicholas Richards, Clinical Research Fellow in Intensive Care Medicine will look at initial feasibility of using continuous ketamine sedation for patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in ICU.
  • Sarah Penkett, Trainee ACCP, will explore DETECT-PE Diagnostic Evaluation of Thoracic Electrical impedance Tomography vs CT Angiography for Pulminary Embolism.
  • Joseph Wilson, Junior Clinical Fellow in Critical Care, will take a look at how a new drug reduces the production of specifc fats in a weakened immune system, improves immune function, and reduces the risk of sepsis in liver failure patients.
  • Fiona Howroyd, Senior Physiotherapist Critical Care Research, will identify novel biomarkers for post-operative pneumonia using gene expression analysis of blood samples from pre and post-operative surgical patients.
  • Sean Harrington, Advanced Critical Care Practitioner, will explore the attitudes, knowledge and experiences of critical care staff in managing delirium, agitation and sedation.

The Society received 11 applications from across the UK ICU community. We are grateful to everyone who applied and encourage all applicants to consider submitting proposals for future Society awards.