SOA25 Congress

Our pre-Congress events are designed to enhance your SOA experience by delivering symposium, workshop and hands on style events. They offer a range of topics for all members of the intensive care community.

This year we have four options to choose from:

  • FUSIC®  Heart or FUSIC®  HD - morning 
  • FUSIC®  Lung or fTOE - afternoon
  • Leadership
  • Legal and ethical issues 

Add one (or both morning and afternoon ultrasound options) at the point of your SOA booking or simply log back in to your account and bolt it on. 


FUSIC® workshops FUSIC® workshops

Transform your critical care ultrasound skills with our comprehensive FUSIC workshops.

This year, we're offering four focused workshops across two streams, morning and

Morning Sessions (08:45-12:30):
● Stream 1: FUSIC® Heart - Led by Hannah Conway | National Lead for FUSIC® Heart
● Stream 2: FUSIC® HD - Led by Ashley Miller | National Lead for FUSIC® HD

Afternoon Sessions (13:45-17:30):
● Stream 1: fTOE - Led by Antonio Rubino | National Lead for FUSIC® fTOE
● Stream 2: FUSIC® Lung - Led by Justin Kirk Bayley | National Lead for FUSIC® Lung

Each workshop provides:
● 3 hours of hands-on scanning experience
● Small group teaching
● Expert faculty supervision
● Practical tips and clinical scenarios
● Free pre-course learning materials

Important Information:
● These are full FUSIC workshops that count toward your accreditation requirements
● Pre-course learning must be completed before attendance
● Limited spaces available (24-30 delegates per workshop)
● Room setup allows focused learning in small groups

Please note: Previous workshops have been fully booked well in advance. Early registration
is strongly recommended to secure your preferred session.

LEAG Symposium: What has faith got to do with it? LEAG Symposium: What has faith got to do with it?
Legal and ethical issues: What has faith got to do with it?

How religion and spirituality affect end-of-life care in ICU

Discussions about spirituality and religious beliefs may induce anxiety in healthcare professionals managing day-to-day care, especially around the end of life. Lack of familiarity and understanding of how different religions impact decision-making around limitations of treatment are also frequent in critical care.

This symposium hosted by the Legal and Ethical Group of the Intensive Care Society explores the main faiths in the UK and will allow healthcare professionals to pause and reflect on delivering effective and culturally competent care and communication.

The symposium will look at:

  • View of different religions on (The panel will include faith representatives in the UK):
    • Death and dying (the value of life)
    • Autonomy, the meaning of quality of life, suffering in ICU
  • Practical approach (round table)
    • Limitation of life-sustaining treatment: (including: withholding and withdrawing therapies, artificial nutrition and hydration, analgesic medications)
    • After death (rituals, care of the body, medical examiner/coroner referral)
    • Organ donation
  • Religion and best interests
  • Practical tips for culturally sensitive communication
LEAP Workshop: Hot topics in ICU Leadership LEAP Workshop: Hot topics in ICU Leadership

Join the delegates on our Leadership Programme LeaP for this special day of learning.

The programme has been designed specifically for intensive care. By drawing on a wealth of experience from executive and senior leaders across the NHS and wider industry, LeaP has been built to nurture and enhance ICU leaders. 


Full programme to follow

Part one: Leading for Inclusion

Part two: Leading for Research

Part three: Leading with an international lens

Part four: Leading for wellbeing

Book a Pre-Congress session when you make your SOA booking or simply log back in to your account and bolt it on.