24 Jan 2020

National ACCEA Awards Open 2020

We are pleased to announce that the national ACCEA awards 2020 round are now open! If you are looking to apply for the national, ACCEA awards 2020, here is some key information you will need.

Submitting you application to the Society

To apply to the ICS ACCEA committee for consideration of support you must submit your application to the ICS by 9am on Monday 24 February. Please note that late submissions will NOT be accepted. Please remember, upon submission of your application you MUST notify us of a colleague who is prepared to write a citation for you on behalf of the ICS.

Please send your applications to: Carmel@ics.ac.uk

The citation

When choosing a colleague to be your citation writer, it is important that they do not work in the same institution as you. We would recommend contacting your citation writer as soon as possible so that it doesn’t cause any delays to your application. The citation should be submitted to the ICS by 9am on Monday 23 March, 2020. Please note that if we do not receive your citation by this time, you application will no longer be considered. Please send your citation to: Carmel@ics.ac.uk

ACCEA website

Your application must be at the very least commenced on the ACCEA to permit uploading of your ICS citation by 9am on Wednesday 25 March 2020

Additional info

If you need any further help, contact Carmel@ics.ac.uk who will be able to access the ICS ACCEA Committee to answer your questions.


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