15 Dec 2020

National ACCEA Awards 2021 now open!

We are delighted to announce the 2021 round for the National ACCEA Awards opened on 7 December 2020.

As always, you can apply to the Intensive Care Society ACCEA Committee for consideration of support, the deadline for submission of your CVQ to the ICS is 5pm on Friday 5 February 2021.

Please note, if you applied in 2020, and even if you had successfully received ICS support for our application, regrettably you will need to re-apply in 2021.

This deadline will be adhered to strictly with no exceptions. Clearly this does not give you much time, and if you haven’t already put pen to paper may I suggest that you make a start as soon as possible.

Further details on the application process including the differences compared to previous years can be found here.

As a specialist society the ICS is able to support only 16 applications for Bronze, 5 for Silver and 4 for Gold. In general terms the ICS will also support members’ renewal applications. Do not make the mistake of not taking renewal applications seriously. Renewal applications should be written to the same high standard as new applications.

When sending us your application forms, we require you to notify us of a colleague who is prepared to write a citation for you on behalf of the ICS. It is important that your citation writer doesn’t work in the same institution as you do. Have your citation ready to be available to us by Midday on 11 March 2021 and also have your application completed on the ACCEA website by 5pm on 11 March 2021.

If we fail to receive your citation and/or if your application is not entered on the ACCEA website by these dates, then regretfully we may have to retract ICS support.

We have put together an ICS Guide to ACCEA 2021 which I recommend you read closely. It is a short document containing many pearls of wisdom. I also suggest you read through the guidance documents on the ACCEA website. Again, there are lots of useful tips and pointers.

The ACCEA application form can be found here.

The previously used supplementary forms for domains 3-5 will not be used this year and instead the character space in these domains has been increased.

FICM is now an ACCEA National Nominating Body and will be running a parallel process to the ICS. If applicable, I urge you to seek support from FICM and any other national bodies relevant to you as this can only strengthen your application.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask by sending them to info@ics.ac.uk.

Best of luck

Dr Gary Masterson
Chair, ICS ACCEA Committee
Consultant in Critical Care Medicine & Anaesthesia, Royal Liverpool University Hospital


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