28 Jul 2021

2021 New Investigator Award

The Intensive Care Society is offering £30,000 in total to applicants

The research grants of the Intensive Care Society are aimed primarily at encouraging new research workers from medically qualified and non-medically qualified professional backgrounds. The definition of “new” is left intentionally open to include applicants in training or recently appointed to a substantive post. A recent substantive appointment would be regarded as being within three years following a consultant/senior lecturer appointment.

The awards are intended to be pump-priming grants that will lead to further and more substantial support from other grant giving bodies. The grants are open to UK Members and Non-Members of the Intensive Care Society; you must be working within a UK trust or institution to apply for this award.  Equal weighting will be given to quality clinical research projects and laboratory-based projects that have a relevance to the field of intensive care. Priority for funding will go to those distinct small projects where the “New Investigator” plays a principal role and where the project will build research capacity.

The Society has only modest funds available each year and therefore limits the maximum for individual grants to £15,000. The total available to be awarded for 2021 is £30,000. Part funding proposals (in conjunction with other grant sources) will be considered but must be accompanied by a clear indications of how Intensive Care Society funds will be allocated and contribute to the overall project, when the decisions on the non-Society portion of the funding would be available, and how the project would proceed if only Intensive Care Society funds were available. Lower priority will be given for applications merely seeking top up to larger projects.

The Intensive Care Society will consider grant applications for projects where applications have been made to other funding bodies. Applicants who have submitted the same or a similar project to other funding bodies, or plan to do so within six months of the closing date should indicate when these funding bodies will reach a decision.

Applications should be made to the Intensive Care Society using the application form and upon completion emailed to johnjones@ics.ac.uk. The closing date for consideration of research grants for 2021 is Friday 3 September at 5PM. For any queries, please contact johnjones@ics.ac.uk or call 020 7280 4350.  

Applications will undergo an extensive review process which due to the exceptional circumstances will be internal reviewers only. The society will review the applications and make a final decision. 

However, in exceptional circumstance applicants may be required to provide further information to assist with this decision-making process. Feedback will be available on request.

The following aspects of the proposal are scored:

  • Originality of work
  • Quality of study design/methods
  • Proposed statistical analysis
  • Feasibility within timescale
  • Relevance to intensive care
  • Chance of obtaining subsequent substantial funding
  • Overall compliance with the aims of the Young Investigator Award. 

The decision of the ICS Research Division will be final and binding. There is no appeals process.  It is a condition of the award of a grant that the Intensive Care Society is acknowledged in all presentations and publications of work resulting from the research. The Intensive Care Society requires short written update reports to be submitted every 6 months from the initial date of the award to completion.

Applicants may be expected to submit their work for presentation at the “Research" session of the Intensive Care Society State of the Art Congress.


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