Optimising Tracheostomy Outcomes

Join us for an overview the latest updates and advances in Tracheostomy

This study day focuses on tracheostomies in the ICU setting and the associated multi-disciplinary roles whom collaborate to enhance patient care. Our faculty of clinical and research experts will consider the ‘who’ and the ‘how’ of tracheostomies, speaking values and rehabilitation to answer key questions including- how early is ‘early’ for a tracheostomy? How can we complement weaning and rehabilitation progression for patients with a tracheostomy? And is pharmacology a help or a hinderance? With real life examples, and ongoing reference to the evidence base throughout, this study day is one not to miss!

Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes

  • To review the role and purpose of tracheostomies in the ICU setting and to consider appropriate patient groups that may have a tracheostomy
  • To explore the physiological adaptations that occur with tracheostomy in relation to communication, respiration, eating and drinking
  • To be introduced to new frontiers in teaching and learning methods to enhance tracheostomy education
  • To review and critique the evidence base
  • To understand the latest evidence and approaches to laryngeal desensitisation
  • To engage in expert panel discussion in individualised, patient centred care for patients with tracheostomy

Programme Programme

9:00 Welcome by Chair


9:05 Optimising Weaning

by Prof Tim Felton


9:35 Switching the larynx back on

by Prof Sarah Wallace


10:05 Questions 

by Panel


10:15 Coffee Break


10:30 The role of Pharmacology


11:00 Optimising secretion clearance

by Gemma Jones and Jason Nunn


11:30 Trachy size

by Helen Newman


12:00 Questions

by Panel


12:30 Lunch Break


13:00 One way valves: De-bunking myths

by Anna Liisa Sutt


13:30 Physio case study

by Ashwin Bhatt


14:00 Questions


14:15 Coffee Break


14:35 New Frontiers in Trachy Education

by Paul Twose


15:05 Virtual Reality in Trachy Education

By Brendan McGrath


15:35 Getting the balance right



15:55 Closing Remarks

Contact us Contact us

If you have any questions about the event or need any further assitance, please do contact us via:

Telephone: (+44) 0207 280 4350



Group bookings Group bookings

Group bookings can be made for multiple delegates and paid by credit card via the event booking page.

We are also able to invoice for group bookings of 10 or more delegates, or where the total value is over £1,000. Group bookings can only be made up to 6 weeks in advance of an event and must be paid in full prior to the event date to avoid tickets being cancelled.

To book a group via invoice, please download the form below, complete and return to events@ics.ac.uk.