James Bruce
James is an Occupational Therapist employed by University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Trust ( Bristol Royal Infirmary). He is an ICU clinical specialist and in a unique role promoting early rehabilitation, humanistic care and rehabilitation education to his ICU team. He has had the opportunity to engage patients in early rehabilitation, screening rehabilitation needs and delivering rehabilitation through the post ICU inpatient journey.
James is interested in upper limb dysfunction post critical illness, long term functional outcomes, and learning from patients to improve acute care.
He has had the privilege of: co-authoring the Occupational Therapy chapter for GPICS V2 & V3; GPICS Rehabilitation chapter V3; is a member of the steering group for the NCEPOD rehabilitation post critical illness study; member of the development team of the AHP critical care professional development framework; is the chair of the ICS AHP professional advisory group and co-chairs the AHP Critical Care Network for the South West of England.
Twitter/X: @jimmibruce