Parjam Zolfaghari

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Programme Director, SOA Congress

Parjam (PJ) is a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University London and Programme Director of State of the Art 2023.

He raduated from UMDS- Guy’s and St.Thomas’ Hospitals medical school in London in 1997. He undertook Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine training at North East London region, Barts and London school. He completed his PhD on mitochondria and skeletal muscle dysfunction in sepsis at UCL and Bloomsbury Institute of Intensive Care Medicine in 2012. He has been a consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at the Royal London hospital since 2012, with special interest in trauma, respiratory failure and support, hepatobiliary surgery and microbiology. He has been an honorary senior lecturer with Queen Mary, University of London since 2015. He was awarded Fellowship of Higher Education Academy in 2017 and is a module lead for the Critical Care Medicine MSc.

Twitter: @PJZolfaghari