SOA25 Congress

Ultrasound Ninja

Submission guidance

Submission guidance



All successful abstracts are published in the Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS), our PubMed Indexed Journal.

View SOA24 Supplement

Abstract submissions for SOA25 have now closed. We will be in contact with submitting authors as of 10 March.

You are invited to submit an abstract on the following title - The Ultrasound Ninja.

Ultrasound has materially changed the course of critical care. Have you stepped out of the shadows with your ultrasound machine to help make a game changing diagnosis, provide diagnostic support, alter management or transform care?

Share your story and Ninja precision ultrasound skills by submitting an abstract of no more than 500 words outlining your case together with a brief description (a teaser!) of what your ultrasound will show. The highest scoring abstracts submitted in response to this title will be invited to submit a 5-minute pre-recorded video for subsequent consideration by the review panel. Please note, it is the presenting author's responsibility to record and supply the 5-minute video as a landscape (16:9) MP4 video.

The authors of the top six video submissions will be invited to give a live presentation at the SOA25 taking place 1-3 July 2025 at the ICC Birmingham. The remaining submissions will be offered the opportunity to produce and present a 5-minute ePoster followed by 2-minute discussion.

Abstract submissions for SOA25 have now closed. We will be in contact with submitting authors as of 10 March.



All members of the multi-professional team - all professions, all grades, including students.

Word count 

  • Abstract: 500 words
  • References: 200 words 


Monday 10 February 2025, 10:30am (GMT)

Key dates

Ninja deadline change.png


If you have any queries about the submission process or you want to withdraw your submission please contact us at


Abstract notification

We hope to notify most abstract submitters of their outcome by Friday 10 March