All successful abstracts are published in the Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS), our PubMed Indexed Journal.
Abstract submissions for SOA25 have now closed. We will be in contact with submitting authors as of 10 March.
The Intensive Care Society invites you to submit your work and present your research, audit, innovations, and clinical cases at SOA25 taking place 1-3 July 2025 at the ICC Birmingham. This is your chance to stimulate debate, share knowledge nationally and internationally, as well as enhance your own portfolio and presentation skills.
ePosters are an integral part of the congress programme. Successful authors will be given the opportunity to display their ePoster on large digital screens and present a 5-minute oral discussion followed by 2 minutes of questions in the exhibition hall during the congress. ePosters will also be displayed on the event platform throughout the congress and for up to 6 months on demand, enabling delegates to browse the posters and get in contact with authors. It is expected that presenters attend the full conference.
The top five abstracts will be shortlisted and authors given the opportunity to provide a 12-minute oral presentation (10 minute presentation, plus 2 minutes for questions and answers) in the main programme. These short presentations should discuss the abstract submission and draw attention to research highlights. Authors invited to give an oral presentation are not required to upload an ePoster
All abstracts will be published in the Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS) which is PubMed indexed.
Abstract submissions for SOA25 have now closed. We will be in contact with submitting authors as of 10 March.
All members of the multi-professional team - all professions, all grades, including all students.
Monday 10 February 2025, 10:30am (GMT)
If you have any queries about the submission process or you want to withdraw your submission please contact us at