02 Feb 2025

NHS 10 Year Plan Consultation Response

Society responds to NHS 10 Year Plan

The Intensive Care Society was pleased to be able to submit a response to the Government’s consultation on A new 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS.

We continue to stress that the impact on the intensive care sector and its people of the Covid-19 pandemic has been, and continues to be, devastating. No plans for the future can be made without recognising that legacy and the need to build from there.

Our proposals for the 10-Year Health Plan draw heavily on the work we have done to address lessons from the pandemic. We believe that the 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS must commit to accept and learn from the findings of the Covid-19 Inquiry.

The areas we wish to see addressed in the Plan include:

  • Retaining, recruiting, and developing intensive care staff
  • A rapid expansion of the provision of patient rehabilitation services to ensure all patients have the best chance of returning to life before critical illness
  • Research
  • Support a diverse workforce
  • Deliver a Carbon Zero intensive care

Our full response can be read here.

We will continue to advocate so health care professionals working in intensive care can deliver the highest quality of care to the sickest of patients in UK hospitals.