PAG Nominations

Join our Professional Advisory Groups to help shape the future of ICU.

The nomination period to join our Professionals Professional Advisory Groups (PAG) is now open. Its your opportunity to help represent your profession at a national level. If you want to be part of shaping the future of intensive care then we need you!

The members of our PAGs help shape all areas of our work, from Standards and Guidelines, to Sustainability and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and their expertise and input is vital.

The group will play a key role in helping to shape the future of ICU for their professions and wider critical care colleagues.

Your role on the PAG

By joining our Professional Advisory Group you will be:

  • Ensuring that your profession has a voice at the table. The PAGs are the mechanism through which the views and expertise of members are represented at Council
  • Providing advice and expertise in matters relating to your profession to the Society's Council through the Professional Affairs Division
  • Promoting and supporting the work of the Society