PAG Members

Below is a complete list of members of our Professional Advisory Groups (PAGs).

Professional Affairs Division Chair: Dr Paul Dean


Elected members:

Brigitta Fazzini - re-elected
Hannah Conway - re-elected
Sadie Diamond-Fox (Chair) - re-elected
Andrew Jones - newly elected
Karen Donnelly - newly elected
Lisa Halsall (Deputy Chair) - newly elected
Daniel Cunningham - newly elected


Elected members: 

Giles Farrington (Operating Department Practioner) - newly elected
Brigid Sharkey (Dietitian) - newly elected
Stefanie Curry (Critical Care Scientist) - newly elected
Gemma Jones (Speech & Language Therapist) - re-elected
James Bruce (Chair)  (Occupational Therapist)
James Jackson (Dietitian)
Sarah Wallace (Speech & Language Therapist) - re-elected
Sharon Barker (Occupational Therapist)


Elected members: 

Andrew Bates - newly elected
Timothy Kuhn - newly elected
Helen O'Neill - newly elected
Melanconia Duval - newly elected
Graham Brant (Chair) - re-elected
Louise Rose (Deputy Chair) - re-elected
Sara Shipley - re-elected
Michaela Jones - re-elected
Pam Ramsay - re-elected


Elected members: 

Sura Ali - newly elected
Christopher Remmington - newly elected
Natasha Hamilton Tanner - newly elected
David Sapsford (Chair) - re-elected
Emma Boxall - re-elected
Nisha Bhudia - re-elected
Reena Mehta - re-elected
Sarah Marie Cooke - re-elected
Sarraa Almahdi - re-elected



Elected members: 

Allaina Eden (Deputy Chair) - re-elected
Ema Swingwood - re-elected
Rebekah Haylett (Chair) - re-elected
Zoe van Willigen - newly elected
Georgina Linstead - newly elected
Sam Dean - newly elected
Jo Hardy - newly elected
Clair Martin - newly elected
Laura Breach - newly elected

Specialty Doctors

*Elected members: 

Daniel Jones - newly elected
Michelle Hatch - re-elected
Pamela Louise McGibbon - re-elected
Shravan Nanda - re-elected


*Recruitment to the SAS PAG is ongoing.  

If you’d like to discuss please contact  

Resident Doctors

Elected members:

Sarah Burgess (Chair)
Eleanor Anna Damm (Deputy Chair)
Kyron Chambers
Judith McCartney
Ben Lowe (Deputy Chair)
Andrew Davidson
Devan Williams - newly elected


Elected members:

Segun Olusanya (Deputy Chair)
Marlies Ostermann (Deputy Chair)
Clare Windsor (Chair)
Emma Alice Jackson - newly elected
Tom Billyard (Deputy Chair) - newly elected
David O'Callaghan - newly elected

*Our PAGs have been created based on the number of individuals in each category of our membership. Membership categories with lower representation, for example occupational therapists, have been grouped together under one PAG. This will be evaluated regularly, and is outlined in the Society’s Written Resolutions. The Resident Doctors PAG is formally known as the Trainee Doctors PAG.