SOA24 Speakers

 Meet our SOA24 speakers

Our #SOA24 Congress was delivered by more than 120 speakers over three days. You can find out more about each of them below.

Aoife Abbey

Aoife Abbey

Consultant Intensivist

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Amit Adlakha

Amit Adlakha

Consultant Intensivist

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Jodi Allen

Jodi Allen

Clinical Specialist Speech & Language Therapist, UK

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Mike Ambler

Mike Ambler

Clinical lecturer at the University of Bristol

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Daniel  Andrea Hofmaenner

Daniel Andrea Hofmaenner

Consultant Intensivist

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Tim  Astles

Tim Astles

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthesia, UK

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Mani Bahra

Mani Bahra

Anaesthetic Trainee , UK

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Kenneth Baillie

Kenneth Baillie

Professor of Experimental Medicine

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Sekina Bakare

Sekina Bakare

Intensive Care Trainee and Trainee Doctor Professional Advisory Group Chair

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Rosie Baruah

Rosie Baruah

Consultant Intensivist

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Kris Bauchmuller

Kris Bauchmuller

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist, UK

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Abi  Beane

Abi Beane

Reader in Critical Care Medicine

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Danni Bear

Danni Bear

Dietitian in Critical Care and ICS AHP Professional Advisory Group, Chair

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Monika Beatty

Monika Beatty

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist, UK

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Tom Best

Tom Best

Clinical director of critical care at King's College Hospital

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Rob Bevan

Rob Bevan

President of College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand, Australia

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Mahmood Bhutta

Mahmood Bhutta

Consultant ENT Surgeon, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals

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Adam Boulton

Adam Boulton

Anaesthetics and intensive care medicine trainee

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Richard Bourne

Richard Bourne

Consultant Pharmacist

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Anselm Brauer

Anselm Brauer

Consultant, Department of Anesthesiology at the University Hospital in Göttingen, Germany.

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Andy Breen

Andy Breen

Consultant Intensiveist and ICS Honorary Secretary

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Alex Butcher

Alex Butcher

Anaesthetic trainee

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David Cain

David Cain

Deputy Director for the South West Critical Care Network

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Steve Cantellow

Steve Cantellow

Consultant Intensivist

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Tom Chatfield

Tom Chatfield

Tech Philosopher, UK

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Irfan Chaudry

Irfan Chaudry

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Sam  Clark

Sam Clark

Consultant Intensivist

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Henry Coates

Henry Coates

Medical Liaison Officer, bioMerieux

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Jon Coles

Jon Coles

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine , UK

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Hannah Conway

Hannah Conway

Advanced Practitioner in Critical Care and ICS APCC Professional Advisory Group, Chair

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Anna  Conway Morris

Anna Conway Morris

Consultant Psychiatrist in Eating disorders

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Paul Cooper

Paul Cooper

Critical care pharmacist

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Neil  Coulson

Neil Coulson

Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

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Katie Cranfield

Katie Cranfield

Consultant Intensivist and Obstetric Medicine , UK

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Nichola Crust

Nichola Crust

Senior Safety Investigator and Registered Nurse

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Dan Cummings

Dan Cummings

Trainee in anaesthesia

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Eleanor Damm

Eleanor Damm

Senior Trainee in Critical Care and ICS Sustainability Working Group, co-Chair

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Thearina de Beer

Thearina de Beer

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthesia, UK

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Paul Dean

Paul Dean

ICS Honorary Treasurer and Consultant Intensivist , UK

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Deborah Dykes

Deborah Dykes

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Critical Care and Respiratory, UK

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Brian Edlow

Brian Edlow

Critical Care Neurologist , USA

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Marc Fadden

Marc Fadden

Dual ICM and Anaesthetics

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Jill Featherstone

Jill Featherstone

Specialist Nurse in Organ Donation, NHSBT

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Jenny  Ferry

Jenny Ferry

Consultant Anaesthetist & Clinical Lead for Acute Pain, UK

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Polly Fitch

Polly Fitch

Clinical Psychologist, UK

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Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher

Reader in Emerging and High Consequence Infectious Diseases , UK

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Luke  Flower

Luke Flower

Critical Care Trainee and Research Fellow

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Heidi Fritz

Heidi Fritz

Healthcare Programme Director at Greener By Default, USA

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Zoe Fritz

Zoe Fritz

Consultant Physician in Acute medicine

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Dale Gardiner

Dale Gardiner

Consultant Intensivist and NHSBT, UK

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Cordy Gaubert

Cordy Gaubert

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist

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Ned (Edward)  Gilbert-Kawai

Ned (Edward) Gilbert-Kawai

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthesia

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Daniel Glaser

Daniel Glaser

Director of Science Engagement at The Royal Institution, UK

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Esther Godfrey

Esther Godfrey

Registrar in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia

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Philip Goff

Philip Goff

Professor of Philosophy, UK

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Owen Gustafson

Owen Gustafson

Clinical Academic Physiotherapist

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Ryan Haines

Ryan Haines

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Graeme Hall

Graeme Hall

Executive Chairman, Brandon Medical

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Olly Hamilton

Olly Hamilton

ST5 single-specialty ICM trainee

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Timo Hannay

Timo Hannay

Founder of SchoolDash , UK

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Trudy Hannington

Trudy Hannington

Senior Psychosexual Therapist, UK

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Stephen  Harridge

Stephen Harridge

Professor of Human & Applied Physiology , UK

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David Harrison

David Harrison

Professor of Medical Statistics , UK

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Andrew Hartle

Andrew Hartle

Professor of Practice (Anaesthesia)

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Dan Harvey

Dan Harvey

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine , UK

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Ingrid Hass

Ingrid Hass

Critical Care Research nurse at UCLH

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Michelle Hatch

Michelle Hatch

Specialty Doctor and and ICS Specialty Doctor Professional Advisory Group Chair

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Rebecca Hayes

Rebecca Hayes

Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist

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Rebekah Haylett

Rebekah Haylett

Physiotherapist in Critical Care and and ICS Physio Professional Advisory Group, Chair

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Simon Hayward

Simon Hayward

Specialist Physiotherapist, UK

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Julie  Highfield

Julie Highfield

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

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Carol Hodgson

Director, Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre

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Deborah Horner

Deborah Horner

Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care

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Cath Huang

Cath Huang

ICM Advanced Trainee

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Henrietta Hughes

Henrietta Hughes

Patient Safety Commissioner, UK

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Nia Humphry

Nia Humphry

Consultant Perioperative Geriatrician, UK

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Richard Innes

Richard Innes

Consultant Intensivist

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Ben Ivory

Ben Ivory

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist and NHSBT

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Monica Jackson

Monica Jackson

Consultant in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia

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Shevin Jacob

Shevin Jacob

Reader in Sepsis Research, Uganda

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Michaela Jones

Michaela Jones

Lead Nurse Associate Director and ICS Nursing Professional Advisory Group, Chair.

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Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

Quality Lead Nurse

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Indra Joshi

Indra Joshi

Director of Artificial Intelligence for NHSX , UK

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Shireen  Kassam

Shireen Kassam

Consultant Haematologist , UK

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Justin Kirk-Bayley

Justin Kirk-Bayley

Consultant Intensivist & Anaesthetist and National FUSIC® Lung Lead, UK

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Gareth	 Kitchen

Gareth Kitchen

Consultant Anaesthetist , UK

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Jenny  Kitzinger

Jenny Kitzinger

Co-Director, Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre, UK

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Shondipon  Laha

Shondipon Laha

ICS President Elect and Consultant Intensivist , UK

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Rebecca Langley

Rebecca Langley

Patient Advocate

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Dr Cathy Lawson

Dr Cathy Lawson

Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM

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Jinseog Lee

Jinseog Lee

ACCS Trainee, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

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Nazir Lone

Nazir Lone

ICS Director of Research and Professor of Critical Care and Epidemiology

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Jonathan Looms

Jonathan Looms

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Tom Lunn

Tom Lunn

ECMO Lead Physiotherapist

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Swapna Mandal

Swapna Mandal

Consultant in Sleep and Ventilation, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

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Dan Martin

Dan Martin

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine

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Ignacio Martin-Loeches

Ignacio Martin-Loeches

Professor, Consultant and Research Director in Intensive Care Medicine

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Sarah Mason

Sarah Mason

Specialist nurse in organ donation, NHSBT

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Sandy  Mather

Sandy Mather

Chief Executive, Intensive Care Society

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Clare Matheson

Clare Matheson

Clinical fellow in Critical Care

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Steve Mathieu

Steve Mathieu

ICS President and Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist

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Marina Matos Rodriguez

Marina Matos Rodriguez

Intensive Care Nurse

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Tom  McCelland

Tom McCelland

Intensive Care Trainee

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Brendan McGrath

Brendan McGrath

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist

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Chris McGrath

Chris McGrath

ST5 dual ICM and anaesthetics trainee

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David  McWilliams

David McWilliams

Professor of Critical Care and Rehabilitation , UK

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Aashinee Mehta

Aashinee Mehta

Senior clinical fellow in critical care and anaesthesia

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Reena Mehta

Reena Mehta

Consultant Pharmacist and and ICS Pharmacy Professional Advisory Group, Chair

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Colin Melville

Colin Melville

Medical Director and Director of Education and Standards, GMC

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David  Menon

David Menon

Director of Research and Consultant in Neurocritical Care, Cambridge, UK

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Victoria Metaxa

Victoria Metaxa

Consultant Intensivist and Trauma , UK

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Ashley Miller

Ashley Miller

Consultant Intensivist

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Hugh Montgomery

Hugh Montgomery

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine

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Ben  Morton

Ben Morton

Senior Clinical Lecturer in Critical Care

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Paul Mouncey

Paul Mouncey

ICNARC Co-Director, UK

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Parashkev Nachev

Parashkev Nachev

Professor of Neurology at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Honorary Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square

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Lorina Naci

Lorina Naci

Professor of Consciousness and Cognition, Ireland

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Amy Nash

Amy Nash

Intensive Care Trainee

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Virginia Newcombe

Virginia Newcombe

Consultant in Neurosciences, Trauma, Critical Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine, UK

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Helen Newman

Helen Newman

Speech and Language Therapist

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Chris Nickson

Chris Nickson

Consultant Intensivist , Australia

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Dr Suzy O'Neill

Dr Suzy O'Neill

Consultant in ICM & Anaesthesia, Newcastle Training Programme Director for Intensive Care, and ACCS within the Northern School of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine

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Marlies Ostermann

Marlies Ostermann

ICS Director of Research, Consultant Intensivist and Nephrology, UK

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Robert Parker

Robert Parker

Consultant in Critical Care and Respiratory , UK

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Prashant Parulekar

Prashant Parulekar

Consultant in Intensive Care, Acute & General Internal Medicine

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Natalie  Pattison

Natalie Pattison

Professor of Clinical Nursing , UK

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Amit Pawa

Amit Pawa

Consultant Anaesthetist

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Marcus Peck

Marcus Peck

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist

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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

CT3 Anaesthetics Trainee

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Joanne Pons

Joanne Pons

Senior Sister in Critical Care, UK

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Kay Protheroe

Kay Protheroe

Consultant in Acute Medicine and ICM

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John Prowle

John Prowle

Clinical Reader in Critical Care Nephrology, Queen Mary University of London and Consultant Intensivist & Nephrologist, Barts Health NHS Trust

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Zudin  Puthucheary

Zudin Puthucheary

Consultant Intensivist , UK

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Emma Ridley

Emma Ridley

Critical Care Clinical Dietitian & Senior Research Fellow, Australia

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Louise  Rose

Louise Rose

Professor of Critical Care Nursing, UK

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Dr Katherine Rouse

Dr Katherine Rouse

Specialist Anaesthetist and Intensivist , Darlington Memorial Hospital

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Kathy Rowan

Kathy Rowan

Director of the NIHR HSDR Programme and Director of ICNARC, UK

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Antonio  Rubino

Antonio Rubino

Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist and Intensivist, UK

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Euan Sandilands

Euan Sandilands

Consultant Physician, UK

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Sara Scott

Sara Scott

Consultant Intensivist

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Anil Seth

Anil Seth

Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience , UK

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Alex Small

Alex Small

Advanced trainee in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine

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Mike Smith

Mike Smith

Senior Lecturer Cardiff University, UK

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Stephen Spencer

Stephen Spencer

Intensive Care and Acute Medicine Trainee, Malawi

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Jennie  Stephens

Jennie Stephens

Consultant in Intensive Care and Acute Medicine , UK

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Philip Stiles

Philip Stiles

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Ganesh Suntharalingam

Ganesh Suntharalingam

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist

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Anna-Liisa  Sutt

Anna-Liisa Sutt

Speech and Language Therapist

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Louise Swan

Louise Swan

Consultant in Anaesthesia & ICM

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Lucy  Swinburn

Lucy Swinburn

Paediatric Critical Care Nurse, UK

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Ema Swingwood

Ema Swingwood

Consultant Physiotherapist, UK

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Kate Tantam

Kate Tantam

Specialist Intensive Care Sister, UK

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Rachel Thomas

Rachel Thomas

Consultant Transplant Surgeon , UK

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Rum Thomas

Rum Thomas

Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care

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Rob Tobin

Rob Tobin

Partner at Kennedys Law

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Lyvonne Tume

Lyvonne Tume

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Niels van Regenmortel

Niels van Regenmortel

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Sarah  Wallace

Sarah Wallace

Consultant Speech and Language Therapist

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Tim  Walsh

Tim Walsh

Professor of Critical Care

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Manni Waraich

Manni Waraich

Consultant Neuro Intensivist

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Ultan Watson

Ultan Watson

Clinical Fellow in ICM and Anaesthetics, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust

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Stephen Webb

Stephen Webb

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist, UK

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Carly Welch

Carly Welch

Consultant Geriatrician, UK

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John Welch

John Welch

Consultant Nurse in critical care & critical care outreach

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Ingeborg Welters

Ingeborg Welters

Clinical Academic in Intensive Care Medicine

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Manoj  Wickramasinghe

Manoj Wickramasinghe

Anaesthetic Trainee

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Jonny  Wilkinson

Jonny Wilkinson

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist

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Clare Windsor

Clare Windsor

Consultant Intensivist, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

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Nicky Witton

Nicky Witton

Senior Lecturer Critical Care, UK

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Rachel  Wong

Rachel Wong

Consultant Intensivist, Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia, and ECMO

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Rosie Worral

Rosie Worral

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Jeanie Worthington

Jeanie Worthington

Advance Trainee in Intensive Care Medicine

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Hannah Wunsch

Hannah Wunsch

Consultant Intensivist , USA

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Hakeem Yusuff

Hakeem Yusuff

ICM Consultant

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Parjam (PJ) Zolfaghari

Parjam (PJ) Zolfaghari

SOA Programme Director and Consultant Intensivist

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