1.30pm – 2.45pm BST, 1 July 2025 ‐ 1 hour 15 mins
Stream 1
Consultant Pharmacist, Chair of ICS Learning Division & Pharmacy Professional Advisory Group
President, ESICM
President of ESICM, Full Professor at Universiteit Gent, Intensivist at Ghent University Hospital, Senior Clinical Investigator at the Research Foundation Flanders.
Acute Respiratory and Rehabilitation Physiotherapist
Acute respiratory and rehabilitation physiotherapy, the recovery, long-term outcome, and survivorship of post critical illness patients, and clinical trial methodology around complex rehabilitation interventions. Current work includes development of a core outcome set for trials of physical rehabilitation in critical illness, and leading a multiprofessional team developing a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of mucoactive drugs in acute respiratory failure.
Professor of Critical Care Nursing, UK
Professor Louise Rose, RN, PhD is a Professor of Critical Care Nursing at King’s College London, UK and an honorary Professor in Critical Care and the Lane Fox Respiratory Unit at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Prior to joining King’s she was an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research program focuses on improving outcomes and the healthcare experience of mechanically ventilated patients across the care continuum from the emergency department, intensive care unit, specialised weaning centre and in the home. She also has extensive clinical experience in critical care in four countries. Since commencing her research career she has been awarded 90 peer reviewed research grants and has over 180 peer reviewed publications.Consultant Pharmacist, Chair of ICS Learning Division & Pharmacy Professional Advisory Group
Reena is a Consultant Pharmacist in Critical Care at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London and Chair of the Intensive Care Society’s Learning Division.
Her specialist areas of interest are anti-microbial stewardship, medicines use in extra-corporeal circuits and health inequalities.
She has worked in Critical Care for over 15 years, and has co-authored and provided specialist input nationally into areas such as pharmacy critical care workforce, clinical guidelines, and advanced critical care training. Reena is an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Intensive Care Society and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at King’s College London. Within her organisation, she is a Principal Investigator on a number of CRN Portfolio studies
Reena is also the Pharmacy Lead for the South East London ICS - Critical Care/ODN and a member of the United Kingdom Adult Critical Care Pharmacy Leadership Forum. She has recently completed an MSc in Health Economics, Policy & Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science.